Good afternoon, everyone. This is a critical time for two different institutions that both play vital roles in the life of our nation: the Supreme Court, which interprets the Constitution and laws, and our intelligence agencies, which strive to protect us from terrorists and other threats to our national security...
Good afternoon, everyone. I am pleased to join you again on "Ask the White House" and talk about small business and the economy. One of President Bush's top priorities is to make sure we have an environment for small businesses to grow and flourish. That is why the advancement of his small business agenda is important for the vibrancy of such an important part of our economy.
I welcome this opportunity, as Archivist of the United States, to meet with Americans on-line and respond to questions concerning the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Americans know us best for our headquarters building on the national mall in downtown Washington, D.C. There, in addition to housing the original of the Emancipation Proclamation and the Magna Carta...
Thanks for your interest in the important issue of the Iraqi police. The police forces in Iraq are really in the middle of the fight for Iraq's future. As US Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad and Multinational Force - Iraq commander General George Casey said in a joint statement on the occasion of Iraqi Police Day, January 9, the "Iraqi police already played a critical role in Iraq's march toward becoming an independent and stable nation in the Middle East -- January's parliamentary election, October's constitutional referendum and last month's national election."
Yesterday was a special day for our schools and students. It was the fourth anniversary of the President's signing of the No Child Left Behind Act. Today the President, the First Lady, and I visited North Glen Elementary School in Maryland. I spoke with its dedicated principal and teachers and hard-working students who are making the law work. Since 2003 the school, with a diverse and economically challenged student body, has made great gains in reading and math scores, and is dramatically closing its "achievement gap" between white and African American students.
Hello, everyone, and thanks for joining our discussion on "Ask the White House." We found out today that the year 2005 was a very good one indeed for the 2 million Americans who found new jobs. Today's employment report is the latest indication that the American economy is firing on all cylinders, with over 400,000 jobs created in the last two months.
My name is Ken Wainstein, and I'm the United States Attorney in the District of Columbia. I have served in law enforcement almost my whole career, both as a federal prosecutor and as an official at the Department of Justice and at the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
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