Hello. It is good to be here. Glad to have the opportunity to discuss what the President is doing to help American families buy their own homes.

Good morning everyone. And thanks so much for your interest in Presidential and other history. In case you wondered, I am in Springfield, Ill. working on the new Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum.

Good afternoon. It is great to be at the White House. I appreciate this opportunity to discuss small business and how it empowers our economy.

I'm delighted to be here to participate in Ask the White House for
a fourth time. I'm optimistic about the future of our economy. Each day were seeing positive signs that the
economy is rebounding.

It is great to be with you and I'm looking forward to talking with you about the emerging human rights issue of the 21st century.

Good to be here and looking forward to your questions.

Good Morning. I appreciate your interest in joining us to discuss an exciting initiative with our neighbors here in the hemisphere . . .

Welcome. Great to be here. Let's talk about the future of energy and personal transportation.

Thank you for joining me today. I look forward to taking your questions.

Hello. I look forward to answering your questions today

Hi, I'm delighted to be here this morning and look forward to taking you questions.

Hi. Thank you for joining me today. I look forward to taking your questions. We'll be discussing my recent trip to Iraq and my visit to the Al Zahra Center for womens rights and democracy in Hilla.

Hi, it is good to be here again to take your questions. I'm so thrilled that there was so much interest in No Child Left Behind, that we are doing a second one. I love talking about education. Let's start.

Earlier today, Interior's Office of Surface Mining awarded Pennsylvania more than $24 million to help reclaim dangerous abandoned mine lands. More than 1.6 million Pennsylvanians and 3.5 million Americans across the nation live less than a mile from dangerous abandoned mine sites.

Good Morning, good to be here. Happy to take your questions. Let's get rolling.

Drug Control Director John P. Walters has appeared today.
