I apologize for the delay, but we had a fire drill at the Commerce Department. I appreciate this opportunity to discuss what I believe is the most important domestic issue of our time: comprehensive immigration reform. Now is our best chance to solve this critical issue. Doing nothing is not an option. The system we currently have is broken, and we need to fix this problem now.

Good afternoon. I just returned from the G-8 meetings in Heiligendamm, hosted by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. It was a very exciting, productive and successful week. The G8 leaders recognized the importance of confronting global climate change and assuring energy security and economic growth through increased cooperation on technology. The leaders agreed on a process for developing a new international framework by the end of 2008, which will contribute to a global agreement within the UN by 2009. They also agreed to a 15 page program of action on specific subjects including technology advancement, energy security, efficiency, clean power generation (in particular carbon capture and storage), transportation (in particular biofuels), sustainable forestry, buildings and adaptation to climate change. I look forward to answering your questions.

It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to have a virtual discussion with you today about the Freedom Agenda. In its essence, the Freedom Agenda is a bipartisan U.S. policy of supporting people in other countries who are working to secure their rights of free speech, press, and assembly and their right peacefully to change their government through periodic democratic elections, which are recognized in the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international agreements.

For over a generation, our broken immigration system has combined with our robust economy to create unprecedented illegal migration across our border. This has threatened our security, undermined our sovereignty, disrespected our laws, and dishonored the tens of millions of people who obeyed the law by coming here legally. What we need is real immigration reform that meets these challenges in comprehensive fashion.

Good afternoon everyone. It is a pleasure to be with you on Ask the White House. Every year, the eight leading industrial nations - Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, the United States, Canada, and Russia - come together to discuss the most important issues facing the world. This years meeting is taking place in Germany, where leaders will discuss topics on poverty and Africa, health, peace and security and climate change.

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