Laura Bush participates in a Teach for America roundtable
discussion at Greenville
High School in Greenville, Miss., Sept. 25, 2002. White House photo by
Susan Sterner.
Teach for America 
Teach For America recruits a national corps of recent college
graduates from all academic majors to commit two years to teaching in schools where they are needed
most. Corps members receive an intensive five weeks of training, where they gain experience
teaching and are guided by veteran educators.
Each year, Teach For America selects almost 4,000 individuals,
trains them during summer institutes, places them as full-time, paid teachers in urban and
rural public schools, and coordinates a support network of financial assistance and
alumni mentors to help them succeed during their two years as teachers and beyond. For more
information about Teach For America and for application information, please contact:
Teach For America
315 W. 36th Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Phone: (800) 832-1230 ext.225
Fax: (212) 279-2081