Mrs. Laura Bush addresses 5,400 participants on Monday, July 28, 2008 at the Fifth Annual Reading First National Conference at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center in Nashville, Tenn. White House photo by Shealah Craighead
Reading First 
Reading First is the academic cornerstone of the bipartisan No Child Left Behind Act. The program builds on a solid foundation of scientifically based research and provides struggling students in the Nation's highest need schools with the necessary resources to make significant progress in reading achievement. Mrs. Bush encourages Congress and state education officials to continue support of the Reading First program. In July 2008, Mrs. Bush addressed the 5th Annual Reading First National Conference in Nashville, TN to highlight the programs significant role in getting all students reading on grade level.
Reading First provides grants to states to help schools and school districts improve children's reading achievement through scientifically proven methods of instruction. The program also funds professional development; scientifically based instructional programs, materials, and strategies; valid and reliable screening, diagnostic and ongoing classroom assessments, and statewide accountability and leadership structures.
Reading First is working. Achievement data show that Reading First students from nearly every grade and subgroup have made impressive gains in reading proficiency. Through Reading First, schools and teachers finally have the technical knowledge and the practical training to ensure every child gets the help he or she needs to excel in reading. As a direct result of Reading First grants, more than 100,000 teachers across the country from kindergarten through grade 3 have been trained to implement high quality, scientifically based reading programs. Their efforts are reaching more than 1.8 million students.
For more information on Reading First, please visit Reading First or contact:
U.S. Department of Education, OESE
Reading First
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202