Comments on 2004 Draft Report to Congress
on the Costs and Benefits of Federal Regulations
and Unfunded Mandates on State, Local,
and Tribal Entities
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- Jim Nitzschke, Deere & Company (64k)
- Winifred DePalma, Public Citizen’s Congress Watch (654k)
- David Ailor, American Coke and Coal Chemicals Institute (1,322k)
- Deanna R. Gelak, FMLA Technical Corrections Coalition (157k)
- James Gattuso, Heritage Foundation (55k)
- Sally Remedios, Delta Faucet Company (39k)
- Douglas H. Green, Utility Solid Waste Activities Group (127k)
- Andrew Langer, National Federation of Independent Business (104k)
- Larry Fineran, National Association of Manufacturers (206k)
- Robb MacKie, American Bakers Association (85k)
- American Public Power Association (634k)
- Kyle Isakower, American Petroleum Institute (298k)
- Steve Risotto, The HM-223 Coalition (46k)
- Cynthia E. Miles, Hunton & Williams (841k)
- J. Robert Shull, OMB Watch (138k)
- Alan Roberson, American Water Works Association (99k)
- Rashida Holmes, Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association (42k)
- Alison Keane, Paint (38k)
- Laura Brooks, U.S. Chamber of Commerce (254k)
- Brandon Viars, National Stone, & Gravel Association (160k)
- Evan R. Gaddis, The Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association (33k)
- Alan Roberts, DGAC (25k)
- Greg Dana, Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers (2,629k)
- Molly Brogan, National Small Business Association (120k)
- Susan Moriak, Recreation Vehicle Industry Association (32k)
- Vincent Giordano, General Electric Company (50k)
- Danielle Waterfield, Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (62k)
- Jeff Hannapel, The Policy Group (81k)
- Lisa Heinzerling, Georgetown University Law Center (160k)
- William A. Russell, Jr., William Russell & Associates, Inc. (52k)
- Jim Solyst, American Chemistry Council (65k)
- Fern Abrams, IPC -The Association Connecting Electronics Industries (78k)
- Andy Bopp, Society of Glass and Ceramic Decorators (37k)
- Maggie Clarke, American Iron and Steel Institute (120k)
- Chris Pearce, American Furniture Manufacturers Association (155k)
- Susan L. Hall, PETA (41k)
- Colleen Morretta, Mercatus Center at George Mason University (126k)
- Cindy L. Squires, Esq., National Marine Manufacturers Association (111k)
- Office of Advocacy, U.S. Small Business Administration (148k)
- The Honorable Doug Ose, Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs, Committee on Government Reform (528k)
- Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (624k)
- Associated Wire Rope Fabricators (AWRF) (83k)
- Andrew T. O'Hare, Portland Cement Association (PCA) (1,201k)
- American Shipbuilding Association (144k)
- Copper & Brass Fabricators Council, Inc. (3,599k)
- Society for Human Resource Managment (575k)
Peer Review Comments
- James Gattuso, Heritage Foundation (54k)
- Robert Hahn and Robert Litan, AEI Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies (104k)
- Arik Levinson, Georgetown University (56k)
- Richard Morgenstern, Resources for the Future (16k)
- Robert Verchick, University of Missouri at Kansas City and Loyola University, New Orleans (94k)