Intergovernmental Review (SPOC List)
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It is estimated that in 2008 the Federal Government will outlay $449 billion in grants to State and local governments. Executive Order 12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs," was issued with the desire to foster the intergovernmental partnership and strengthen federalism by relying on State and local processes for the coordination and review of proposed Federal financial assistance and direct Federal development. The Order allows each State to designate an entity to perform this function. Below is the official list of those entities. For those States that have a home page for their designated entity, a direct link has been provided below by clicking on the State name.
States that are not listed on this page have chosen not to participate in the intergovernmental review process, and therefore do not have a SPOC. If you are located within a State that does not have a SPOC, you may send application materials directly to a Federal awarding agency.
Contact information for Federal agencies that award grants can be found in Appendix IV of the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance.
ARKANSAS Tracy L. Copeland Manager, State Clearinghouse Office of Intergovernmental Services Department of Finance and Administration 1515 W. 7th St., Room 412 Little Rock, Arkansas 72203 Telephone: (501) 682-1074 Fax: (501) 682-5206 |
CALIFORNIA Grants Coordination State Clearinghouse Office of Planning and Research P.O. Box 3044, Room 222 Sacramento, California 95812-3044 Telephone: (916) 445-0613 Fax: (916) 323-3018 |
DELAWARE Jennifer L. Carlson Associate Fiscal and Policy Analyst Office of Management and Budget Budget Development, Planning & Administration Haslet Armory, Third Floor 122 William Penn Street Dover, Delaware 19901 Telephone: (302) 739-4206 Fax: (302) 739-5661 |
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Donna Bexley DC Government Office of Partnerships and Grants Development 441 4th Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 Telephone: (202) 727-6437 Fax: (202) 727-1652 |
FLORIDA Lauren P. Milligan Florida State Clearinghouse Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Blvd. Mail Station 47 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Telephone: (850) 245-2161 Fax: (850) 245-2190 |
GEORGIA Barbara Jackson Georgia State Clearinghouse 270 Washington Street, SW, 8th Floor Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Telephone: (404) 656-3855 Fax: (404) 656-7916 |
IOWA Kathy Mabie Iowa Department of Management State Capitol Building Room G12 1007 E Grand Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 50319 Telephone: (515) 281-8834 Fax: (515) 242-5897 |
KENTUCKY Lee Nalley The Governor’s Office for Local Development 1024 Capital Center Drive, Suite 340 Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Telephone: (502) 573-2382 Ext. 274 Fax: (502) 573-1519 |
MAINE Joyce Benson State Planning Office 184 State Street 38 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333 Telephone: (207) 287-3261 (Direct) (207) 287-1461 Fax: (207) 287-6489 |
MARYLAND Linda C. Janey, J.D. Director, Maryland State Clearinghouse For Intergovernmental Assistance 301 West Preston Street, Room 1104 Baltimore, Maryland 21201-2305 Telephone: (410) 767-4490 Fax: (410) 767-4480 |
MICHIGAN William Parkus Southeast Michigan Council of Governments 535 Griswold, Suite 300 Detroit, Michigan 48226 Telephone: (313) 961-4266 Fax: (313) 961-4869 |
MISSISSIPPI Janet Riddell Clearinghouse Officer Department of Finance and Administration 1301 Woolfolk Building, Suite E 501 North West Street Jackson, Mississippi 39201 Telephone: (601) 359-6762 Fax: (601) 359-6758 |
MISSOURI Sara VanderFeltz Federal Assistance Clearinghouse Office of Administration Commissioner’s Office Capitol Building, Room 125 Jefferson City, Missouri 65102 Telephone: (573) 751-0337 Fax: (573) 751-1212 |
NEVADA Gosia Sylwesprzak Department of Administration Nevada State Clearinghouse Coordinator/SPOC 209 E. Musser Street, Room 200 Carson City, Nevada 89701 Telephone: (775) 684-0209 Fax: (775) 684-0260 |
NEW HAMPSHIRE Amy Ignatius, Acting Director New Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning Attn: Intergovernmental Review Process Mark Toussiant 57 Regional Drive Concord, New Hampshire 03301 Telephone: (603) 271-2155 Fax: (603) 271-2615 |
RHODE ISLAND Bill McKenna Division of Planning One Capitol Hill Providence, Rhode Island 02908 Telephone: (401) 222-6185 Fax: (401) 222-2083 |
SOUTH CAROLINA Jean Ricard Office of State Budget 1201 Main Street, Suite 870 Columbia, South Carolina 29201 Telephone: (803) 734-1314 Fax: (803) 734-0645 |
TEXAS Denise S. Francis Director, State Grants Team Governor's Office of Budget and Planning P.O. Box 12428 Austin, Texas 78711 Telephone: (512) 305-9415 Fax: (512) 936-2681 |
UTAH Tenielle Young Utah State Clearinghouse Governor's Office of Planning and Budget Utah State Capitol Complex Suite E210, PO Box 142210 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-2210 Telephone: (801) 538-1570 Fax: (801) 538-1547 |
WEST VIRGINIA Bobby Lewis Director, Community Development Division West Virginia Development Office Building #6, Room 553 Charleston, West Virginia 25305 Telephone: (304) 558-4010 Fax: (304) 558-3248 |
WISCONSIN Division of Intergovernmental Relations Wisconsin Department of Administration 101 East Wilson Street, 10th Floor P.O. Box 8944 Madison, Wisconsin 53708 Telephone: (608) 261-7533 Fax: (608) 267-6917 |
AMERICAN SAMOA Pat M. Galea'i Federal Grants/Programs Coordinator Office of Grants Policy/Office of the Governor Department of Commerce American Samoa Government Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799 Telephone: (684) 633-5155/4116 Fax: (684) 633-4195/2269 |
GUAM Roland C.P. Villaverde Administrator Guam State Clearinghouse Office of I Segundo na Maga’lahen Guåhan Office of the Governor P.O. Box 2950 Hågatña, Guam 96932 Telephone: (671) 475-9380 ext. 901 Fax: (671) 477-2007 |
NORTH MARIANA ISLANDS Antonio S. Muna Special Assistant for Management Office of Management and Budget Office of the Governor Saipan, MP 96950 Telephone: (670) 664-2289 Fax: (670) 323-2272 |
PUERTO RICO Ing. David Rodríguez / Luz H. Olmeda Puerto Rico Planning Board Federal Proposals Review Office PO Box 41119 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00940-1119 Telephone: 787-723-6190 Fax: 787-722-6783 |
VIRGIN ISLANDS Debra Gottlieb (Acting Director) Director, Office of Management and Budget #41 Norre Gade Emancipation Garden Station, Second Floor Saint Thomas, Virgin Islands 00802 Telephone: (340) 774-0750 Fax: (340) 776-0069 |
Changes to this list can be made only after OMB is notified by a State's officially designated representative. E-mail messages can be sent to If you prefer, you may send correspondence to the following postal address:
Attn: Grants Management
Office of Management and Budget
New Executive Office Building, Suite 6025
725 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20503
Please note: Inquiries about obtaining a Federal grant should not be sent to the OMB e-mail or postal address shown above. The best source for this information is the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance or CFDA ( and the website (
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Intergovernmental Review (SPOC list) | Grant Reform