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Letter From President Bush | Executive Summary | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | The President's Faith-Based and Community Initiative in 50 States: A Report to the Nation's Governors

A Determined Attack on Need

Presidential Initiatives to Rally the Armies of Compassion


President Bush launched the Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (FBCI) on January 29, 2001, ordering a "comprehensive effort to enlist, equip, enable, empower, and expand the work of faith-based and other community organizations."

Over seven years, the White House OFBCI and the Agency Centers have collaborated to transform the way government addresses human need. Together, they have:

The President’s FBCI vision for empowering local, personal-touch solutions to human need is active across virtually every Federal enterprise that engages poverty, disease, and other social ills. Rejecting models that rely on distant, faceless bureaucracies, the FBCI pairs the resources of government with the unique strengths of local faith-based and community organizations. Snapshots of this vision in action include: