President's Budget
Information & Regulatory Affairs
Legislative Information
Agency Information
Privacy Guidance
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- M-03-22,
OMB Guidance for Implementing the Privacy Provisions of the E-Government
Act of 2002
(September 30, 2003)
- M-01-05,
Guidance on Inter-Agency Sharing of Personal Data - Protecting Personal
Privacy (December 20, 2000)
- Privacy
Act Responsibilities for Implementing the Personal Responsibility and
Work Opportunity Reconcilation Act of 1996 (November 3, 1997)
(3 pages, 431 kb)
- Guidance
on Privacy Act Implications of "Call Detail" Programs,
52 FR 12290 (April 20, 1987) (4 pages, 543 kb)
- Privacy
Act Guidance -- Update (May 24, 1985) (10 pages, 647 kb)
- M-83-11,
Guidelines on the Relationship Between the Privacy Act of 1974 and the
Debt Collection Act of 1982, 48 FR 15556, April 11, 1983
(March 30, 1983) (5 pages, 1.39 mb)
- Implementation
of the Privacy Act of 1974, Supplemental Guidance, 40 FR 5674,
December 4, 1975 (November 21, 1975) (3 pages, 215 kb)
- Congressional
Inquiries which Entail Access to Personal Information Subject to the
Privacy Act (October 3, 1975) (2 pages, 265 kb)
- Privacy
Act Implementation, Guidelines and Responsibilities, 40 FR
28948, July 9, 1975 (July 8, 1975) (32 pages, 14.25 mb)