President's Budget
Information & Regulatory Affairs
Legislative Information
Agency Information
Meeting Record Regarding: Final Nationwide Permits
Date: 1/16/2007
Name |
Affiliation |
Client (if applicable) |
Jim Laity |
Art Fraas |
Jim Mietus |
Robin Downey |
Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association |
Billy Plauche |
Pacific Coase Shellfish Growers Association |
Bill Dewey |
Taylor Shellfish, Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association |
Mike Voisin |
Gulf Coast Industry Coucil, Louisiana Oyster Task Force |
Chris Nelson |
Gulf Coast Industy Council |
Bob Rheault |
East Coast Shellfish Growers Association |
Ed Rhodes |
East Coast Shellfish Growers Association |
Bob Collette |
National Fisheries Institute (NFI)/Molluscan Shellfish Institute (MSI) |
Margaret Black |
National Fisheries Institute (NFI) |
Tom Kehoe |
K&B Seafood, East Coast Shellfish Growers Association and Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association, NFI/MSI |
David Fyfe |
Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission |
Percy Magee |
USDA/Natural Resources Conservation Service |
Jeffrey Warner |
US Army, Office of the Army General Counsel |
William James |
US Army/Civil Works |
Allan Steinle |
US Army/Civil Works |
Chip Smith |
US Army/Civil Works |
Jennifer Moyer |
David Olson |
Paula Levin |
Jason Miller |
Nancy Lee |
Chris Hunter |
Jeff Smith |
NOAA Fisheries |
Kerry Griffin |
NOAA Fisheries |
Susan Bunsick |
NOAA Aquaculture Program |
Corrie Veenstra (Called in) |
US Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District |
Larry Evans (Called in) |
US Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District |