January 7, 2004
FROM: | Linda
M. Springer Controller Karen S. Evans Administrator, IT and E-Gov |
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SUBJECT: | Clarification of Passback Language to Grant-Making Agencies |
The following is a clarification on the E-Gov/Grants.gov passback language which was sent out on November 20, 2003. Specifically, agencies have requested clarification on what direction to take on current development of grant management systems and the impact on Grants.gov in developing a government-wide solution.
Direction to Agencies
The E-Gov/Grants.gov passback language directed Federal agencies to:
Use the FIND and APPLY solutions of the Grants.gov E-Gov initiative. Funds are to be designated for migrating grants management systems and/or applications to the common solution developed by Grants.gov under OMB direction. This also includes interfacing back office grants management systems to the government-wide effort. All FY 2004 new planning and development dollars will be redirected to develop an action plan, solution, and architecture for an agency’s grants management system that integrates to the government-wide solution by September 1, 2004.
The above language both re-enforces Grants.gov as the Federal government’s single, online portal for any person, business, or state, local, and tribal government to find and apply for Federal grants and directs agencies to fully meet the following requirements:
- Agencies
are required to use the FIND application of Grants.gov. This was directed
in a policy notice (www.whitehouse.gov/omb/memoranda/fy04/m04-01.html)
to the agencies on October 15, 2003. Please note that all Federal agencies
are required to post synopses of announcements of all funding opportunities
for programs that award discretionary grants and cooperative agreements
at the Grants.gov FIND module.
- Agencies
are directed to use the APPLY function of Grants.gov for grant programs.
This requires agencies to designate discretionary grants programs to
use the Grants.gov APPLY function. Agencies need to identify the programs
that can be placed in Grants.gov for the electronic application process
and work with the Grants.gov program office to establish a schedule
(no later than March 1, 2004) for participation and ensure all necessary
actions are taken to establish the appropriate application packages
for those programs on Grants.gov.
- Agencies
are directed to continue their migration efforts for agency-specific
application and utilization of the FIND and APPLY module of Grants.gov,
and have a solution available that will allow an agency to accept electronic
applications and other products that are developed by Grants.gov. Agency
systems should not develop anything new to perform FIND and APPLY functions
that duplicate what Grants.gov is offering.
Please note for purposes of funding, planning and development funds shall continue for those efforts designated by the agency: (a) to develop electronic interfaces and solutions to implement elements of the FIND and APPLY module of Grants.gov; and (b) which directly affect agencies electronic interactions with FIND and APPLY of Grants.gov.
- Agencies are required to make FY 04 payments to Grants.gov. In addition, Grants.gov shall begin the analysis of establishing a fee-for-service agreement with agencies to sustain Grants.gov for FY 05 and beyond.
Please contact Elizabeth Phillips (202-395-3053) or Sandra Swab (202-395-5642) at OMB with any questions about these requirements. Agencies should contact Charles Havekost 202-690-8443), Grants.gov program manager, with any questions regarding implementing this guidance.
Redirected Funding for Planning and Developing Agency “Back Office” Grants Management Systems
The agency’s redirected FY 04 new planning and development funds unrelated to FIND and APPLY shall be used by the government to define the framework for grants management back-office systems. The framework definition includes architecture and defining integration with agency management systems, e.g., financial systems, budget systems, property systems and performance management systems. The effort shall constitute an interagency task force that is led by OMB and coordinated with current government-wide initiatives of Grants.gov and P.L. 106-107.