Specific Information Quality Web Page
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Information Quality Guidelines for OMB
(PDF (9 pages, 100 kb)) (HTML)
guidelines describe OMB's policy for ensuring the quality of information
that OMB disseminates to the public and sets forth the administrative
procedure by which an affected person may obtain correction of information
disseminated by OMB.
- Information
Quality Correspondence
OMB received no information quality correction requests before FY09.
- Forthcoming
Influential Scientific Disseminations (Peer Review Agenda)
Based on the review conducted, OMB has not identified any upcoming influential scientific information (including highly influential scientific assessments) within the definitions promulgated by OMB’s Bulletin M-05-03, Final Information Quality Bulletin on Peer Review. Therefore OMB currently has no agenda of forthcoming influential scientific disseminations to post on its website in accordance with the Bulletin. If such documents are identified, they will be posted for public review.
- Government-wide
Guidelines for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility
and Integrity of Information Disseminated by Federal Agencies (February 22, 2002) (10 pages, 162 kb)