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E-Payroll standardizes and consolidates Government wide Federal civilian payroll services and processes.

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY08 Target Description/Context
% of E-Payroll migrations completed 72% As of 9/07 100% 20 out of a total of 29 migrations to E-Payroll have been completed. A migration reflects transition from a independent legacy provider to 1 of 4 approved E-Payroll providers. One agency may represent multiple migrations.
# of payroll providers 7 As of 9/07 4 Currently, there are 3 agencies providing payroll services independently of the 4 approved E-Payroll providers.
% of employees paid through E-Payroll 89% As of 9/07 100% Approximately 1,637,000 out of a total of 1,845,637 employees were paid through E-Payroll.
Payroll servicing ratio Available Q3 FY08 Available Q3 FY08 Available Q3 FY08 The ratio is the number of E-Payroll employees per employee serviced.
Cost per employee $133.60 As of 10/1/07 Not Available

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