The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 17, 2006

Fact Sheet: The President's Accomplishments at the G-8 Summit

     Fact sheet G-8 Summit 2006

Today, The President, Working With The Other Leaders Of The G-8 Nations - The United States, The United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada, and Russia, Obtained Support For Many Critical Initiatives. The G-8 Leaders:

Middle East

G-8 Leaders Emphasized That The Common Goal Remains The Creation Of A Viable, Democratic, And Sovereign Palestine Living In Peace And Security, Side-By-Side With Israel, Within Internationally Recognized Borders. G-8 Leaders also stated that a permanent solution required:


G-8 Leaders Remain Seriously Concerned By Nuclear Weapon Implications Of Iran's Advanced Nuclear Program. They Expressed Profound Disappointment Over The Absence Of Iranian Engagement In Any Discussions, And They Supported The Return Of The Issue To The United Nations Security Council. The G-8 also agreed that:

North Korea

G-8 Leaders Welcomed The Unanimously Adopted UN Security Council Resolution 1695, Which Represents The Clear And Strong Will Of The International Community. The resolution condemned the launching of multiple ballistic missiles by North Korea on July 5, expressed grave concern about the DPRK's indication of possible additional launches, demanded that the DPRK suspend all activities related to its ballistic missile program and reestablish its preexisting commitments to a moratorium on missile launches, required all member states to exercise vigilance to prevent the transfer of missile-related goods and technology to or from North Korea, and reiterated the necessity for the DPRK to return to full compliance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Leaders also:


The G-8 Leaders Reiterated Their Strong Commitment To Working Toward Successful Conclusion Of The World Trade Organization (WTO) Doha Development Agenda (DDA). They called upon all countries to work with utmost urgency for conclusion of the Doha round by the end of 2006, to strengthen the multilateral trading system and provide an important boost for the world's economy. Leaders also:


The G-8 Leaders Committed To Continue Their Efforts To Maintain Sufficient And Reliable Supplies Of Energy While Sustaining Global Economic Growth And Environmental Stewardship. The G-8 Leaders endorsed a statement of energy security principles affirming open, transparent, competitive markets for energy production, supply, use, and transport. They agreed to enhance global energy security through a Plan of Action focusing on:

Infectious Disease

The G-8 Leaders Committed Their Support To The International Fight Against Infectious Diseases. They committed to undertake vigorous efforts to fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis (TB), malaria, polio, and measles, and encourage preparations by all countries on avian influenza and potential human pandemic influenza. Leaders also agreed to:


The G-8 Leaders Will Take Steps To Fight Corruption By High-Level Public Officials, And Deny Them Safe Haven And Access To Their Illicitly Acquired Assets. Such corruption inhibits opportunities for the underprivileged, undermines sound public financial management, deters foreign investment, stifles economic growth and development, and undermines democracy and the rule of law. Leaders agreed to:


The G-8 Leaders Underscored Their Commitments To Enhance Counterterrorism Cooperation Among Themselves And With Other States By Protecting Critical Global Energy Infrastructure, Working More Closely With Private Sector Partners, And Helping The UN Maximize The Effectiveness Of Its Programs, Particularly In Capacity Building Efforts. G-8 Leaders:


The G-8 Leaders Reaffirmed Their Determination To Work Together And With Other States In The Fight Against The Proliferation Of Weapons Of Mass Destruction (WMD). They noted that any expansion of the peaceful use of nuclear energy must be carried forward in a manner that does not add to the risk of further nuclear proliferation. In particular, G-8 Leaders:

On Iraq, Afghanistan, and Sudan, G-8 Leaders Discussed and Endorsed The Recommendations And Findings Of Their Foreign Ministers, Including:


Leaders Reiterated The G-8 Commitment To Iraq's Independence, Sovereignty, And Territorial Integrity. They expressed support for the permanent Iraqi government, commended its reconciliation initiative, and urged it to continue efforts to achieve national accord. Leaders also:


On Afghanistan, G-8 Leaders Welcomed Successful Elections For The National Assembly And Provincial Council, And The Formation Of A New Government. Leaders committed to providing support and assistance to the formation of a peaceful, independent, and prosperous state, without terrorism, narcotics, or the presence of the Taliban. Leaders also:


Leaders Expressed Support For The Peacebuilding Process In Sudan On The Basis Of The Comprehensive Peace Agreement, Political Settlement Of The Conflict In Darfur, And Negotiated Solution To Other Problems. They also:

Intellectual Property Rights

The G-8 Leaders Took Steps To Strengthen Efforts To Combat Piracy And Counterfeiting, Especially Joint Efforts To End Trade In Pirated And Counterfeit Goods. They also announced a strong, results-oriented work plan to accomplish this objective by:


The G-8 Leaders Endorsed Education Policies That Foster Innovation And Entrepreneurship In Education. Leaders agreed to:


G-8 Leaders Underscored Their Commitment To Work With Africa As A Continent Full Of Promise, Opportunity, And Hope, As Well As Serious Challenges. The U.S. is committed to working in partnership with African nations to help them achieve their vision of growth, development, and active participation in the global economy, and obtained the support of the G-8 leaders to continue to:

Stabilization And Reconstruction

G-8 Leaders Reaffirmed Their Commitment To Peacebuilding And Committed To Work Together To Enhance Collaboration In Stabilization And Reconstruction Capabilities. G-8 Leaders agreed to convene G-8 experts, UN representatives, appropriate regional organization representatives, and representatives from other countries to:

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