Oct. 19, 2001
Korean President Reiterates Support
U.S., China Stand Against Terrorism
Oct. 18, 2001
Director Ridge, Leaders Discuss Homeland Security
Oct. 17, 2001
President Rallies Troops at Travis Air Force Base
President Outlines War Effort 
President Welcomes Russian Decision
Oct. 16, 2001
America's Youth Respond to Afghan Children's Fund 
Oct. 15, 2001
President Welcomes New Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
President Honors Public Servants
President Bush and Italian Prime Minister Discuss War Effort
Oct. 12, 2001
President Commends House for Passing Anti-Terrorism Bill
Oct. 11, 2001
President Announces "America's Fund for Afghan Children"
President Holds Prime Time News Conference
President Pays Tribute at Pentagon Memorial 
Oct. 10, 2001
NATO Chief Stresses International Resolve
President Unveils "Most Wanted" Terrorists 
Fact Sheet
Oct. 9, 2001
German Leader Reiterates Solidarity with U.S.
New Counter-Terrorism and CyberSpace Security Positions Announced
Fact Sheet on New Counter-Terrorism and CyberSpace Positions
Oct. 8, 2001
Heroic Firefighters and Police Join President for Columbus Day
Gov. Ridge Sworn-In to Lead Homeland Security
President Establishes Office of Homeland Security
Oct. 7, 2001
U.S.-Japan Economic Sub-Cabinet Discussions Held on Sunday
Presidential Address to the Nation 
President Speaks at 20th Annual National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Tribute
Oct. 5, 2001
Press Briefing by OMB Director Mitch Daniels
President Urges Tax Relief Aimed at Recovery
Oct. 4, 2001
President Unveils Back to Work Plan
President Fox Reaffirms Commitment to U.S.
President Directs Humanitarian Aid for Afghanistan
Oct. 3, 2001
President Calls NY Teachers "Heroes"
President Works on Economic Recovery During NY Trip
Federal Response: Examples of Government Action Since September 11
Oct. 2, 2001
President Opens Reagan National Airport 
Opening Reagan National Airport Fact Sheet
President Meets with Congressional Leaders, Pledges Reagan National Opening and Economic Cooperation
Oct. 1, 2001
President: "We're Making Progress"
Sept. 29, 2001
Radio Address of the President to the Nation 
Sept. 28, 2001
King of Jordan: "We will stand behind you."
Sept. 27, 2001
At O'Hare, President Says "Get On Board" 
Enhancing Aviation Safety & Security
Sept. 26, 2001
President Meets with Muslim Leaders
President Thanks CIA 
President Welcomes Sikh Leaders to White House
Sept. 25, 2001
President: FBI Needs Tools to Track Down Terrorists
International Campaign Against Terror Grows
Sept. 24, 2001
Letter to Congress on American Campaign Against Terrorism
President to Sign U.S. - Jordan Free Trade Agreement
King Abdullah of Jordan to Visit Washington
Letter to Congress on Terrorist Financing Executive Order
Canadian PM: "We Will Be There"
President Freezes Terrorists' Assets
Fact Sheet on Terrorist Financing Executive Order
Executive Order on Terrorist Financing
Sept. 22, 2001
Radio Address: Despite Challenges, Economy Fundamentally Strong 
Sept. 21, 2001
President Releases $5.1 Billion in Emergency Funds
Sept. 20, 2001
Mrs. Cheney Speaks at Pennsylvania Memorial Service
President Declares "Freedom at War with Fear" 
UK's Blair Pledges Solidarity
President Welcomes Japan's Support
Sept. 19, 2001
President Building Worldwide Campaign Against Terrorism
Sept. 18, 2001
President Signs Authorization for Use of Military Force bill
President Chirac Pledges Support
President Authorizes Additional Disaster Funding for New York
President Launches Online American Relief and Response Effort 
Sept. 17, 2001
Mrs. Bush Speaks at Memorial Service in Pennsylvania
"Islam is Peace" Says President
Guard and Reserves "Define Spirit of America"
"We've All Got a Job To Do"
Sept. 16, 2001
President: Today We Mourned, Tomorrow We Work
Sept. 15, 2001
Press Briefing By Ari Fleischer
President Urges Readiness and Patience
President Addresses Nation in Radio Address 
Sept. 14, 2001
President Bush Salutes Heroes in New York 
President Extends Order for Flags at Half-Staff
President Orders Ready Reserves of Armed Forces to Active Duty
President's Remarks at National Day of Prayer and Remembrance 
Sept. 13, 2001
Press Briefing By Ari Fleischer
President Proclaims National Day of Prayer and Remembrance 
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
President Visits Washington Hospital Center
President Pledges Assistance for New York in Phone Call with Pataki, Giuliani
President Orders Federal Aid for Virginia
Sept. 12, 2001
Elementary School Letter
Middle and High School Students
President Tours Pentagon 
President Bush Meets with National Security Team 
Honoring the Victims of the Incidents on Tuesday, September 11, 2001
Sept. 11, 2001
Statement by the President in Address to the Nation 
Press Briefing by Karen Hughes, Counselor to the President
Press Briefing by Attorney General John Ashcroft, Secretary of HHS Tommy Thompson, Secretary of Transportation Norm Mineta, and FEMA Director Joseph Allbaugh
Press Briefing to the Pool By Ari Fleischer
Press Briefing to the Pool By Ari Fleischer
Statement by the Press Secretary
Presidential Statement