Chuck Blahous, Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy:
President Bush is committed to strengthening Social Security for future generations and also making it a better deal for younger workers. The President has called for allowing younger Americans the option of safely investing a portion of their payroll taxes in voluntary personal accounts that they own and control within the Social Security system. Personal retirement accounts give younger workers the chance to receive a higher rate of return from sound, long-term investing of a portion of their payroll taxes than they receive under the current system.
November 22 2004 | 7:15 p.m.(EDT)
Howard from Marysville, Washington:
I am looking for a copy of the 2004 Presidental Thanksgiving Proclamation. Can you steer me in the correct direction please?
Jimmy Orr, White House Internet Director:
Hi Howard,
The 2004 Thanksgiving proclamation has not been released yet. When it is, we'll put it on the homepage. In the meantime, other Thanksgiving content including last year's proclamation can be seen here:
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