White House photo by Moreen Ishikawa
President Bush's Education Reform Initiatives
As a cornerstone of education reform, the historic No Child Left Behind Act that President Bush signed into law in January 2002, requires that by the end of the 2005-2006 school year there be a highly qualified teacher in every classroom.
Over the next decade, school districts will need to hire 2.2 million
additional teachers. A survey by the Department of Education found that
fewer than 36 percent of current teachers feel very well prepared to
implement curriculum and performance standards. While states and
educational organizations have begun to pursue different ways to recruit
and train highly qualified individuals to become teachers, more help is
Key parts of the President's efforts to ensure a quality teacher in every
classroom include:
- Providing State Grants to Recruit and Train Teachers.
- Recruiting Highly Qualified Individuals to Become Teachers.
- Expanding Programs to Train Teachers in Specific Subject Areas.
- Implementing the Teacher Protection Act.
- Creating a New Teacher Tax Deduction.
- Providing Expanded Student Loan Forgiveness for Teachers.
>>Details about A Quality Teacher in Every Classroom: Improving Teacher Quality and Enhancing the Profession