Healthy Forests : An Initiative for Wildfire Prevention and Stronger Communities
Table of Contents:
Executive Summary
The Healthy Forests Initiative
The Need for Healthier Forests
- Federal lands are increasingly vulnerable to catastrophic fires.
- This fire season is among the worst in modern history.
- Catastrophic wildfires harm people, property, and the environment.
Photo Essay - Changes in Forest Condition
Overview: Current Efforts to Control Wildfires and Restore Forest Health
- Firefighters are effective in part because of additional federal resources
provided for both firefighting and forest health programs.
- A comprehensive 10-year strategy to make communities safer from wildfires.
- The Administration is working to prevent future large, catastrophic fires
by carrying out fuel treatment programs such as thinning and prescribed burning.
- Fuel treatment projects have prevented or stopped fires.
- Fuel Reduction in Rocky Mountain National Park
- The Administration is working to make its fuels treatment and forest health
programs even more effective.
- The Administration is restoring record amounts of burned forests and rangelands.
- The Administration is
- The Administration is providing more thatn $428 million in fire prevention,
prepardness, and suppression assistance this year to thousands of communities.
- Student Conservation Association volunteers have enlisted in the fight
against wildfires.
The Need for Improved and Accelerated Forest Management
- Procedural delays are stalling critical forest and rangeland management
- The appeals process is complex, time consuming, and burdensome.
- Delays caused by appeals can be disasterous when fires strike.
- Court injunctions can have broad impacts on management activities.
- Congress has recognized the effects of regulatory and administrative delays
this fire season.
The Squires Fire: A Case Study in Fire and Forest Management Obstacles and Effects
- The value of fuels reduction projects.
- Legal and regulatory obstacles to timely implementation of fuels projects.
Photo Essay - Aftermath of the Squires Fire The Healthy Forest Area Survives
Fulfilling the Promise of the 1994 Northwest Forest Plan