CEQ Online Reading Room
Welcome to the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Online Reading Room. This reading room was created in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, 5 USC § 552 (FOIA) and Executive Order 13392, which directs Federal agencies to ensure citizen-centered, results-oriented FOIA operations.
Here you will find documents about environmental and other issues whose subject matter may better inform FOIA requests and make other FOIA requests unnecessary. You can save time and money if you review the documents available online before submitting a request. Recently added resources are posted at the beginning of applicable sections.
For more about the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), including instructions on how to submit a FOIA request to CEQ, visit our FOIA Requester Service Center.
Environmental News, Policies, and Reports
Establishment of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument
- Conserving Americas Wetlands 2006:
Two Years of Progress
Implementing the Presidents Goal
- Survey of Specific Fish Pathogens in Free-Ranging Fish from Devils Lake [PDF]
- Biota Survey for Devils Lake, ND, Conducted July 25-30, 2005 [PDF]
- Conserving America's Wetlands: Implementing the President's Goal
- U.S. Ocean Action Plan
- America's National Parks: Investing to Preserve Their Future
- Healthy Forests Progress Report
- EPA Air Emissions Trends Report
- EPA Report on the Environment
- Survey of Specific Fish Pathogens in Free-Ranging Fish from Devils Lake [PDF]
- June 30, 2005
Fact Sheet: President Bush Is Addressing Climate Change - April 22, 2005
President Celebrates Earth Day - April 21, 2005
President Honors Environmental Youth Award Recipients
Environmental Documents & NEPAnet
NEPAnet is an online resource for information on the National Environmental Policy Act and its implementation by Federal agencies, including:
- NEPA Statute
- Statute for Clean Air Act, Section 309
- Executive Orders
- Regulations for Implementing NEPA from CEQ
- Procedures for Implementing NEPA from Federal Agencies
- CEQ Guidance
- Federal Agency NEPA Web Sites
- Federal NEPA Contacts
- State Information
- Tribal Information
Environmental Impact Statements Filed pursuant to 40 CFR 1506.9.
All EISs prepared by federal agencies are filed with EPA. Each week, EPA publishes in the Federal Register a Notice of Availability for all of the EISs filed the previous week. The EPA Notice of Availability is the official start of the public comment/wait periods required under the Council on Environmental Quality's regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act. EPA publishes this notice each Friday; if a holiday falls on Friday, the notice is published on Thursday. Links to the weekly Federal Register publication of EPA's Notice of Availability are provided at http://cfpub.epa.gov/compliance/nepa/current/
You may also be interested in reviewing EPA's Federal Register-Environmental Impact Statements website. That website contains the full-text of Federal Register documents that deal with all aspects of EISs being prepared by all federal agencies, and is published on a daily basis.
CEQ FOIA Responses
This section of the Online Reading Room contains various documents released by CEQ under the Freedom of Information Act that, because of the nature of their subject matter, are likely to be the subject of other FOIA requests. Documents available online include written and email correspondence and other information deemed responsive to a particular FOIA request; material determined to be non-responsive is indicated within the text of the document. Material is organized by subject, and individual documents are indexed and numbered chronologically. Follow the links below to access CEQ FOIA responses.
- Asia-Pacific Partnership
- CEQ Communications with the Competitive Enterprise Institute
- Climate Action Report
- EPA Clean Air Act Authority
- EPA Draft Report on the Environment
- Extreme Weather Costs
- Global Climate Change Science
- Kyoto Protocol
- OPIC Compliance with NEPA
- "Reconstructing Climatic and Environmental Changes"
- Sectoral Emissions Reduction Agreements
- US Climate Change Science Program and the Committee on Climate Change Science and Technology Integration